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Dewasa: S$18, Anak: S$14
Dewasa: S$21, Anak: S$16
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Marina Bay Sands Fitur obrolan langsung saat ini tidak tersedia. Coba muat ulang halaman atau kembali lagi nanti. Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini. 30
Bagaimana keadaan Anda? Anda tahu bahwa tidak masalah untuk merasakan hal yang Anda rasakan, bukan?
Perasaan Anda unik dan personal.
MENTAL: Colours of Wellbeing bukanlah pameran tentang penyakit mental, pengobatan, atau penyembuhannya. Ini adalah tempat yang ramah bagi Anda untuk dapat menantang prasangka dan stereotipe sosial seputar kesehatan mental. MENTAL mengajak Anda untuk memulai perjalanan nan intim dan personal yang menjelajahi berbagai cara untuk sehat, bertahan, dan menjalin hubungan, yang makin penting bagi kita semua.
Pameran ini menampilkan 24 pameran interaktif, proyek seni, dan instalasi berskala besar karya seniman, kreator, ilmuwan, dan desainer internasional yang mencerminkan berbagai perspektif tentang kesehatan mental dan cara untuk sehat. Selain itu, ada tujuh karya seni buatan seniman Singapura dan Asia Tenggara yang mengeksplorasi kesehatan mental dari sudut pandang unik Asia Tenggara.
Karya yang ditampilkan dalam pameran ini membahas topik serius yang dapat dipahami dengan mudah dan telah dikelompokkan menjadi empat tema luas - Koneksi, Eksplorasi, Ekspresi, dan Refleksi.
MENTAL merayakan perbedaan dan kompleksitas serta mewakili gagasan bahwa setiap perjalanan kesehatan mental tidaklah sama. Kami mendorong Anda untuk merenungkan, bertanya, dan berempati tentang arti menjadi manusia pada dekade kedua di abad ke-21.
MENTAL: Colours of Wellbeing dikurasi bersama oleh ArtScience Museum dan Science Gallery Melbourne dan merupakan pameran terakhir di ArtScience Museum's Season of Mental Wellbeing - program pameran dan acara sepanjang tahun yang dimaksudkan untuk membangun kesadaran dan memulai percakapan tentang pentingnya kesehatan mental.
Tiket Masuk
Warga Singapura:
Dewasa: S$18, Anak: S$14
Dewasa: S$21, Anak: S$16
Tersedia opsi tiket tambahan
Tiket Masuk
EYEYAH! and Various Contributors, Anxiety Animations, 2022. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
A showreel of GIFs on loop, sound and silent
Casper de Jong, Casper's Ex, 2019. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Interactive Artwork
Emily Fitzsimons, Cushions? 2022. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Participatory Installation
Emmanuel Gollob, Doing Nothing with AI, 2019. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Robotic Interactive Artwork
Georgie Pinn, Echo, 2018. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Interactive Artwork
Zhou Xiaohu, Even in Fear, 2008. Installation view, ArtScience Museum. White Rabbit Collection, Sydney. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program by Judith Neilson.
Mixed Media Installation
Josh Muir, Go Mental, 2021. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Mixed Media Interactive Installation
Rachel Hanlon, Hello Human, Hello Machine, 2021. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Interactive Artwork
Rory Randall and Indigo Daya, Isolation Chamber, 2021. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Participatory Installation
Ziba Scott, Kind Words, 2019. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Multimedia Installation
Sophia Charuhas, Microbial Mood, 2019. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Multimedia Installation
Who knows you best? The machine or you?
Your mirror image is not you. Your mirror image only bears a passing resemblance to you.
As you gaze at your reflection, the mirror perceives your emotional state, and in response it presents you with a machine-generated poem. The text gently fades onto the mirror’s surface, and is displayed for as long as you continue to gaze into your reflection.
Inspired by the Theory of Constructed emotion, Mirror Ritual explores emotion as emerging from within an interaction. Emotions don’t happen to you, but you actively construct them within a given context.
Rather than a prescriptive interface, as is common with emotion-detection technologies, Mirror Ritual allows for the human-machine co-construction of emotion. The work uses poetic language to offer new concepts with which to frame your current emotional state. Mirror Ritual presents a new kind of relationship with Artificial Intelligence. Not one based in habit, but a relationship imbued with meaning and intention. The mirror does not provide instant gratification, instead it offers a new ritual with technology, one that allows you to linger in time. The mirror can offer meaning, but it asks something of you first.
To begin the ritual, you must look your mirror image in the eyes.
Find out more about this work:
Nina Rajcic is an artist, researcher and developer with a background in particle physics, as well as industry experience in data science and engineering. She is currently doing her PhD looking into machine understandings of human emotion. Her work focuses on the critical role that language takes in the framing and reframing of emotional experiences and memories. With Mirror Ritual, she is experimenting with the development of a creative collaboration between humans and machines.
Nina is currently undertaking her PhD at SensiLab, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Physics (Theoretical Particle Physics) from The University of Melbourne.
Nina Rajcic and SensiLab, Mirror Ritual, 2020. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Interactive Artwork
Divaagar, Model: Kitchen, 2022. Installation view, ArtScience Museum. Commission by ArtScience Museum.
Video Installation
Divaagar, Model: Kitchen, 2022. Commission by ArtScience Museum.
Video Installation
Shwe Wutt Hmon, Noise and Cloud and Us, 2021. Image courtesy of the artist.
Photographic Installation
Can we keep up with the latest technology?
Remind Me Later is inspired by the option we are given, when notified that our smartphone or device has a new update, to set a reminder to install the update at a future point. The work explores the mounting pressure we are under to always keep up with the latest technology.
In this video, a three-dimensional model of an androgenous human figure continuously distorts and floats across the screen. Pink Noise, such as the ambient sounds of waves on the beach or wind rustling through trees, is said to promote better sleep and blends with the background music in the video. The random motion of the pink human figure accompanied by the soundtrack reflects our ever-changing relationship with technology.
What is your relationship with technology? Will technology be able to replace our need for social connection?
Tromarama is an art collective founded in 2006 by Febie Babyrose, Herbert Hans and Ruddy Hatumena. Engaging with the notion of hyperreality in the digital age, their projects explore the interrelationship between the virtual and the physical world. Their works often combine video, installation, computer programming and public participation depicting the influence of digital media on society’s perception of its surroundings. Tromarama live and work between Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia.
Tan Yang Er, Scenes From Therapy, 2022. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Mixed Media Installation
How can we express our feelings when there are no words to describe them?
Circles are commonly used in art therapy to help process and express feelings on a deeper level. The notion of ‘drawing in a circle’ provides a visual way to manifest these thoughts and emotions.
In this work, the act of ‘scribbling’ within the circle is a representation of Yi Xuan’s contained state of mind. Where words fail, the process of scribbling is an means of confronting her inner chaos. At first glance, State of Mind evokes a sense of calm; however, on closer inspection it reveals a more violent, turbulent and complex nature.
How do you express yourself?
Lee Yi Xuan’s practice focuses on confronting overwhelming emotions that cannot be expressed through words. She recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Fine Art Practice from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), Singapore. Trained in both fine art and design, Yi Xuan is passionate about teaching and is currently pursuing her Masters in Art Therapy at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore.
Lee Yi Xuan, State of Mind, 2021. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Acrylic Panel
Wednesday Kim, The Aesthetics of Being Disappeared, 2019. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Multi-video Installation
Dr Kellyann Geurts and Dr Indae Hwang, Thoughtforms, 2021. Installation view, ArtScience Museum.
Participatory Installation
Dr Kellyann Geurts and Dr Indae Hwang, Thoughtforms, 2021.
Participatory Installation
Hiromi Tango, Dr Emma Burrows and Dr Tilman Dingler, Wheel, 2021. Installation view, ArtScience Museum. This artwork is created in collaboration with The Florey Institute of Neuroscience & Mental Health.
Participatory Installation
Versi orisinal MENTAL dikembangkan dan pertama kali dipamerkan di Science Gallery Melbourne di The University of Melbourne. Science Gallery Melbourne merupakan bagian dari Science Gallery International yang dipelopori oleh Trinity College Dublin.
Future World:
Where Art Meets Science
Future World: Where Art Meets Science ditutup sementara untuk renovasi dan akan dibuka kembali pada Musim Panas ini dengan pengalaman baru. Pantau terus untuk informasi selengkapnya.
Hanyutkan diri dalam dunia seni, ilmu pengetahuan, sihir, dan metafora melalui rangkaian instalasi digital interaktif.
ArtScience Cinema
ArtScience Cinema adalah ruang terbaru di museum untuk pemutaran film yang dikurasi secara khusus sepanjang tahun. Dengan beragam program yang meliputi retrospektif sinematik, film hasil seleksi festival, film klasik sepanjang masa, dokumenter, dan masih banyak lagi, kenakan headphone yang disediakan di tempat acara, nikmati kursi mewah, dan selami perjalanan museum nan menakjubkan yang tiada duanya.